Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Petrochemical Product Analysis

1 Background of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Petrochemical Product Analysis

Traditional detection methods are limited by factors such as flow, pressure, and algorithms. The application scope of petrochemical product analysis using spectroscopy is increasingly broad. Atomic spectroscopy can be divided into X-ray, ultraviolet fluorescence, and visible light; molecular spectroscopy can be divided into near-infrared, mid-infrared, terahertz, and nuclear magnetic resonance, which can analyze molecular functional groups. Molecular spectroscopy is gradually becoming the mainstream technology for oil and petrochemical product analysis.

Characteristics of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy:
● Near-infrared spectroscopy has absorption bands that can provide a wealth of information from functional groups.
● Near-infrared spectroscopy can be transmitted through quartz fibers, using fiber optic beam splitters or optical switches to achieve simultaneous measurements at multiple points with one instrument.
● Near-infrared spectroscopy is suitable for measuring samples in various forms, with different attachments available to meet the requirements of different measurement objects.
● Near-infrared spectroscopy offers various forms of online measurement, making it easier to implement processes for liquid, solid, and gas-liquid mixed samples.

Difference between Spectroscopy and Chromatography:
Chromatography: Each peak represents a substance, and the standard system is established based on the area and concentration of the substance peaks to measure unknown samples.
Spectroscopy: Information about a substance is present in all peaks, especially in mixtures.


In recent years, researchers have proposed multivariable artificial intelligence and machine learning methods to establish relationships between spectra and concentrations, creating spectral models that use a set of coefficients to measure unknown samples.

Modern spectroscopic analysis technologies, such as near-infrared, mid-infrared, Raman, LIBS, and low-field NMR, enable direct sample measurement and chemometric modeling, characterized by fast speed, high throughput, high precision, broad applicability, and significant economic and social benefits. Modern spectroscopic analysis technologies, represented by near-infrared spectroscopy, are increasingly used in the chemical industry to optimize process operations, improve product quality, reduce production losses, and minimize environmental pollution.

2 Application Fields of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Petrochemical Product Analysis
● Crude Oil Rapid Evaluation: Initially, the basic properties of crude oil are obtained, then it is distilled into different fractions, and the properties of each fraction are further analyzed. Evaluating all properties of a crude oil sample typically takes about 0.5-1 month.
● Rapid Analysis of Base Oil Components: By establishing a database, mid-infrared spectroscopy is used for the rapid analysis of heavy oil.
● Online Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Production Units: With the gradual development of near-infrared spectroscopy in the chemical industry, more chemical plants are adopting near-infrared analysis technology due to its advantages in saving energy, increasing production capacity, reducing investment, and being safe and environmentally friendly.

In the future, near-infrared spectroscopy technology will continue to develop in fine chemicals, the pharmaceutical industry, and biotechnology fields.

3 Why Use Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Petrochemical Product Analysis
● Reason 1: Rich chemical information in NIR spectra. While Raman can analyze light oil products, it produces significant fluorescence for heavy oil products, making mid-infrared more suitable for analyzing heavy oil products.
● Reason 2: Mature NIR instrument hardware. It offers good repeatability and can be transmitted through optical fibers, overcoming the limitation of nuclear magnetic resonance in multi-stream simultaneous measurements.
● Reason 3: Extensive research and application foundation domestically and internationally. With over 30 years of development, a comprehensive database has been established, covering sampling, preprocessing, modeling, implementation, and standardization processes.
● Reason 4: Significant benefits from combining near-infrared with process control. Integrating with industrial processes can increase yield and improve product quality.

4 Recommended Products


The Jinsp SR50R17/SR100N25 is a highly recommended, cost-effective near-infrared spectrometer with a wavelength range of 0.9-1.7μm or 0.9-2.5μm, covering a wide range of conventional near-infrared detection areas. The SR50R17 uses an uncooled InGaAs sensor, while the SR100N25 uses a cooled InGaAs sensor. Both have high sensitivity, high near-infrared reflection efficiency lenses, capable of detecting weak absorption signals, and high resolution to better distinguish characteristic peaks. They are compact, easy to set up in experiments, and integrate into systems, with multiple information acquisition options available, compatible with USB or UART output.

For details, please visit Near-infrared Fiber Spectrometer - JINSP Company Limited (

Product Advantages:

Compact size and space-saving

High signal-to-noise ratio

High measurement accuracy and consistency



[1] 李杰,王跃超,陈瀑,褚小立.近红外光谱分析技术在化工领域中的应用[J].当代化工研究,2024(04): 96- 99.DOI:10.20087/j.cnki.1672-8114.2024.04.031.

Post time: Jun-27-2024