External Triggering Options Instructions

Triggering is a feature that can be applied to many fiber optic spectrometers and is related to the general spectral process. The first type: an event outside the sampling system (a button or a pulsed laser) can trigger the spectrometer to start the data acquisition process. This type of trigger is called “external triggering”. Another type of trigger is that the spectrometer introduces an external device (such as a lamp) to instruct the spectrometer to collect data immediately. This is called “external event triggering”.

Fiber optic spectrometer of JINSP COMPANY LIMITED has the following trigger modes:

1. External hardware edge trigger

The spectrometer sets the integration time. A trigger is a circuit that changes its output state under certain conditions. For example, in a digital circuit, an edge-triggered JK flip-flop changes its output at the rising or falling edge of a clock signal, at which point the spectrometer starts collecting signals. This trigger is when the spectrometer starts collecting a spectral signal (if multiple collection processes are set) every time a signal is generated. This trigger mode can be used when a pulsed excitation signal or light source is used or when the collection process is synchronized with an external signal.

2. External hardware level trigger

The spectrometer sets the integration time. When the spectrometer receives the trigger voltage signal, it starts collecting data and stops collecting spectral data when the signal disappears. This method can be used to trigger when a continuous spectrum acquisition is required (in special cases), such as when the sample reaches a certain special state and reaches the measurement state.

3. External software trigger

The integration time is set in the software. When the software receives the trigger signal, the data acquisition system transmits the acquired spectrum and the triggering process occurs during this process. This trigger mode can be used when using a continuous acquisition light source and the intensity of the light source changes continuously before, during and after triggering.

4. External synchronization trigger

The spectrometer starts collecting data after receiving an external trigger signal, and stops collecting data after receiving an external trigger signal again. When the signal is received for the second time, the first collection ends and the second collection starts at the same time. In this case, there is no need to set the integration time, because the trigger can start or stop. When the spectrum scanning signal and the external signal need to be synchronized, an internal amplifier or chopper needs to be used in conjunction, and this trigger mode can be used.

Post time: Jul-25-2024