
  • Research on o-xylene nitration reaction process

    Research on o-xylene nitration reaction process

    Online monitoring quickly provides conversion rate results, shortening the research and development cycle by 10 times compared to offline laboratory monitoring. 4-Nitro-o-xylene and 3-nitro-o-xylene are important organic synthesis intermediates and one of the im...
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  • Drug crystal form research and consistency evaluation

    Drug crystal form research and consistency evaluation

    Online Raman quickly determines the consistency of multiple batches of formulations with the crystalline form of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Online monitoring provides faster results for target crystal testing, cont...
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  • Classification of Fiber Optic Spectrometers (Part I) – Reflective Spectrometers

    Classification of Fiber Optic Spectrometers (Part I) – Reflective Spectrometers

    Keywords: VPH Solid-phase holographic grating, Transmittance spectrophotometer, Reflectance spectrometer, Czerny-Turner Optical path. 1.Overview The fiber optic spectrometer can be classified as reflection and transmission, according to type the diffraction grating. A di...
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  • Introduction to Spectrophotometer

    Introduction to Spectrophotometer

    Article 2: What is a fiber optic spectrometer, and how do you choose the appropriate slit and fiber? Fiber optic spectrometers currently represent the predominant class of spectrometers. This category of spectrometer enables the transmission of optical signals through a ...
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  • Quality Control in Biofermentation Engineering

    Quality Control in Biofermentation Engineering

    Online monitoring of glucose content for real-time feeding to ensure the smooth completion of the fermentation process. Biofermentation engineering is one of the important components of modern biopharmaceutical engineering, obtaining the desired biochemical products thro...
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  • What is a spectrometer?

    What is a spectrometer?

    A spectrometer is a scientific instrument, used to analyze the spectrum of electromagnetic radiations, it can display a spectrum of radiations as a spectrograph representing the distribution of light intensity with respect to wavelength (y-axis is the intensity, x-axis i...
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  • Research on the synthesis process of bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide

    Research on the synthesis process of bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide

    In a highly corrosive environment, online spectroscopy monitoring becomes an effective research method. Lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide (LiFSI) can be used as an additive for lithium-ion battery electrolytes, with advantages such as high energy density, thermal stabilit...
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  • Fiber optic spectrometer

    Fiber optic spectrometer

    Fiber optic spectrometer is a commonly used type of spectrometer, which has the advantages of high sensitivity, easy operation, flexible use, good stability, and high accuracy. The fiber optic spectrometer structure mainly includes slits, gratings, detectors, etc., as we...
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  • Introduction to Raman technology

    Introduction to Raman technology

    I. Raman Spectroscopy principle When light travels, it scatters off on the molecules of material. During this scattering process, the wavelength of the light, i.e. the energy of the photons, may change. This phenomenon of energy loss after scatter...
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  • Our company won a silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva

    Our company won a silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva

    Recently, the miniaturized Raman spectroscopy system of JINSP won the silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva. The project is an innovative miniaturized Raman spectroscopy system that combines automatic calibration technology with a variety o...
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  • Nuctech participated in the drafting of Radiation Protection Instruments – Spectral Identification System for Liquids in Transparent Containers

    Nuctech participated in the drafting of Radiation Protection Instruments – Spectral Identification System for Liquids in Transparent Containers

    Recently, IEC 63085:2021 Radiation protection instrumentation – System of spectral identification of liquids in transparent and transparent vessels was jointly drafted by experts from China, Germany, Japan, the United States and Russia Semitransparent containers (Raman s...
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