What are the classification of fiber optic spectrometers?

1 Emission Spectrum

● Principle: When a substance is excited by external factors such as heat, electricity, light, or magnetism, its internal atoms or molecules transition to higher energy levels and then return to lower energy levels, releasing photons to form a spectrum.

● Characteristics: Emission spectra typically appear as line spectra because substances only emit light at specific wavelengths. A common example is the hydrogen atom emission spectrum, which shows specific wavelengths of light produced by transitions between different energy levels in hydrogen atoms. A typical application is the fluorescence spectrometer.

Typical Applications of Emission Spectrum

● Elemental Analysis

Principle: Based on the emission of light at specific wavelengths by atoms or molecules when they return to the ground state after excitation, used to determine the types and concentrations of elements in a sample.

Application Scenarios: Environmental monitoring, food safety testing, pharmaceutical quality control, etc.

Characteristics: Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES) is a commonly used analytical technique that provides high sensitivity and accuracy.

● Chemical Reaction Research

Principle: By monitoring the evolution of spectra over time, information about reaction rates, activation energy, etc., can be obtained.

Application Scenarios: Understanding and optimizing chemical reaction mechanisms.


High efficiency, strong anti-interference ability, high degree of automation, easy operation, stable and reliable. Fast analysis speed, low detection limits, and wide testing range.

2 Absorption Spectrum

● Principle: When light passes through a substance, the substance absorbs light at wavelengths corresponding to its characteristic spectral lines, causing a decrease in light intensity and forming a spectrum.

● Characteristics: Absorption spectra typically appear as continuous spectra because substances absorb light to different extents at different wavelengths. By analyzing a substance's absorption at various wavelengths, its composition and structure can be understood. A typical application is the UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer.

Typical Applications of Absorption Spectrum

● Combustion Diagnostics

Principle: Using laser absorption spectroscopy to measure the concentration and temperature distribution of combustion products.

Application Scenarios: Evaluating combustion efficiency and pollutant emissions.

● Industrial Process Control

Principle: Real-time monitoring of gas composition and concentration in industrial processes.

Application Scenarios: Gas analysis in petrochemical, steelmaking, power production, and other industries.

● Medical Diagnostics

Principle: Detecting specific components in human blood.

Application Scenarios: Diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as diabetes and anemia. For example, UV-Vis spectrometers are used for blood analysis.

● Environmental Monitoring

Principle: Real-time monitoring of pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere.

Application Scenarios: Air quality monitoring, greenhouse gas concentration monitoring, etc.


High precision measurement of absorption characteristics, suitable for analyzing various complex samples. Widely used in environmental monitoring, food safety, pharmaceutical quality control, and other fields.

3 Scattering Spectrum

● Principle: When light irradiates a substance, non-elastic scattering occurs, producing scattered light with components at wavelengths longer and shorter than the incident light, forming a spectrum.

● Characteristics: Scattering spectra are characterized by the unchanged wavelength of the incident light, but the intensity and direction of the scattered light change. A common example is Rayleigh scattering in the atmosphere, which makes the sky appear blue. A typical application is the Raman spectrometer.

Typical Applications of Scattering Spectrum

● Chemical and Physical Research

Raman spectrometers provide structural information about substances, especially useful for studying catalyst structures and polymer materials.

● Biomedical Imaging

By measuring the scattering of light in tissues, Raman spectrometers can be used for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases, such as in optical coherence tomography (OCT) and two-photon microscopy.

● Environmental Science

Raman spectrometers can measure the scattering light of particles in the atmosphere to understand their concentration, size distribution, and chemical composition, which is important for air quality monitoring and climate change research.


Raman spectrometers require no sample preparation and can directly measure solids, liquids, and gases. Suitable for various complex samples, including biological tissues, minerals, semiconductors, etc. They provide rich structural information about substances, making them an important analytical tool in chemistry, physics, biology, and other fields.

4 About Us

Jinsp specializes in spectral detection technology. Our mature product line includes near-infrared spectrometers, miniature fiber optic spectrometers, transmission spectrometers, high-sensitivity fiber optic spectrometers, and OCT spectrometers. For more details, please visit: Fiber Optic Spectrometers - JINSP Company Limited (jinsptech.com)

Post time: Jun-26-2024